Social Impact Designer

The Power Lies In You

I envisioned, curated, and assembled a large-scale installation for the Becoming 2014: Student Transfer Exhibition at the Community College of Baltimore County. I demonstrated the ability for art to create change and awareness in our society around social and environmental issues.

Thought Process

Thought Process

Through symbolism, I communicated the power each individual had in minimizing their household waste while protecting natural resources. The power symbol was represented by everyday electronics.



I noticed this installation served as a space of reflection, pause, inquisition for viewers. The complexity of the piece revealed itself when the viewer discovers the relationship of the recycled household items within the reduce, reuse, recycle symbol, and the recyclable electronic items forming the power symbol. I analyzed the use of spray paint in creating this sculpture. Each piece was recycled at Best Buy at the close of the exhibition, which completed the cycle to be renewed for future products.